SIG Bladder, Bowel & Sexuality - About us

Primary Goals

The role of the Committee is to ensure the implication of evidence-based care for multiple sclerosis patients in the field of sexual, urological and bowel problems. For this purpose international co-operation and exchange of information will be organised. Scientific and clinical research in this field is encouraged.

Description of the Strategies

In the past, several publications have been issued concerning the management of SUBDIMS. At the past 2 RIMS meetings, clinical care committee workshops have been organised for a large public. Currently, the Committee has a lack of active participating members and a lack of funding to promote international exchange. Therefore, at the last meeting in Basel, the decision was made to appoint two co-chairment. Besides Dr. De Ridder who will remain the current Chairman and Chairman of Bladder Dysfunction, Dr. Anette Nordenbo will become Co-chairman of Bowel Dysfunction and Dr. Michel Dauphin for Sexual Dysfunction. Each co-chairman will have the responsibility of attracting new members who wish to contribute to meeting the goals of the Clinical Care Committee.
The action plan for the coming year will be to issue a mailing to possibly interested people in the field. Another plan is to raise some more funds for the Committee to facilitate international exchange. Therefore, applications for international grants will be proposed.

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  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo MS Journal
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS
  • Logo European MS Platform
  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo MS International Federation
  • Logo CONy
  • Logo MS Data Alliance

Rims Sponsors