SIG Psychology & Neuropsychology - Meetings & Reports

2021 -- SIG Virtual in-between meeting (October 1, 2021)

2020 -- SIG meeting during the RIMS Digital Conference (December 5, 2020)

2019 -- Upcoming SIG in-between meeting Ljubljana (June 20,2019)

The future meeting will be at the RIMS Annual Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia on Thursday Kune 20, from 4pm - 7pm).

Please find below the preliminary programme:

  1. Welcome and Introduction - (Dr Jana Pöttgen)
  2. Retreat of ACT/SIG meetings in 2018/2019 - (Kenneth Pakeham/ambra Giovannetti?/Anita Rose)
  3. First Results of the CompACT Validation - (Dr Jana Pöttgen/Ambra Giovannetti)
  4. Presentation of News in Psychology and Neuropsychology in MS (recent reviews, meta-analyses, actual research results)
  5. Discussion (Next inbetween meeting, Needs of SIG Members, wishes and ideas) - (Dr Jana Pöttgen
  6. Summary and Presentation of Interesting Conference Topics

2019 -- Joined In-between meeting SIG Patient Autonomy & SIG Psychology/Neuropsychology (November 2019, Hamburg)

2019 -- Upcoming SIG in-between meeting Ljubljana (June 20,2019)

The future meeting will be at the RIMS Annual Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia on Thursday Kune 20, from 4pm - 7pm).

Please find below the preliminary programme:

  1. Welcome and Introduction - (Dr Jana Pöttgen)
  2. Retreat of ACT/SIG meetings in 2018/2019 - (Kenneth Pakeham/ambra Giovannetti?/Anita Rose)
  3. First Results of the CompACT Validation - (Dr Jana Pöttgen/Ambra Giovannetti)
  4. Presentation of News in Psychology and Neuropsychology in MS (recent reviews, meta-analyses, actual research results)
  5. Discussion (Next inbetween meeting, Needs of SIG Members, wishes and ideas) - (Dr Jana Pöttgen
  6. Summary and Presentation of Interesting Conference Topics

2018 -- SIG in-between meeting Hamburg (June 22, 2018)

Read here all about the meeting in Hamburg.

2018 -- SIG in-between meeting Amsterdam, Netherlands

The main topic of this SIG in-between meeting was "Ready for MS – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for people with MS"

2017 -- SIG in-between SIG meeting Barcelona, Spain

The main topic of this SIG in-between meeting was "Sexual dysfunctions in MS – How to speak about – How to measure – How to treat"

2016 -- SIG in-between SIG meeting London, UK

2015 -- SIG in-between SIG meeting Hamburg, Germany

2015 -- SIG in-between SIG meeting Milan, Italy

2014 -- SIG in-between SIG meeting Brighton, UK

2013 -- SIG in-between SIG meeting Ljubljana (SI)

2012 -- Neuropsychology SIG In-Between Meeting – Barcelona (ES)

2011 -- Joint in-between SIG meeting Melsbroek (November 18-19th 2011)

Dear colleague,

As earlier announced, we have planned an in-between meeting in November, 18-19, 2011 focusing on the multidisciplinary approach for assessment and management of cognitive disorders in people with MS.

The aims of this meeting are:

  1. to compose a list of cognitive 'red flags', that is, of demographic, disease related, clinical and imagery variables that, according to scientific research, significantly relate to MS-related cognitive deficits.
  2. to list cognition-related observations that typically can be made in each discipline. What are the observations of a therapist while doing his clinical work and how can these observations be related to MS-related cognitive deficits?
  3. to determine what should be the content of an optimal neuropsychological report. To which questions should a neuropsychological report provide answers? What kind of cognitive information do you need for your clinical work with patients?

The meeting will be a joint meeting of SIG Communication & Swallowing, SIG Integration & Participation, SIG Occupation and SIG Psychology & Neuropsychology and takes place in Melsbroek (Belgium).

The meeting will be organized in one day joint-meeting on the theme and one day separate SIG meetings (with possibility for all involved SIG's to continue their long-term work). See attached file for the complete programme. All SIG members will be asked to prepare the meeting, so we can have an interactive forum during the meeting (communication on this will follow within the next weeks).

As usual, we will cover the meeting attendance, accommodation, lunches and social events costs for RIMS members.
Travel costs are at your expenses.
For non RIMS members, we only cover the lunches and the meeting attendance.
Would you like to participate in joining this meeting? Please complete the registration form attached before October 15 2011 via email or fax.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
The Melsbroek Team

2010 -- Neuropsychology SIG In-Between Meeting – Tallinn (EE)

Please find enclosed the general minutes of the meeting in Talinn.

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  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
  • Logo MS Journal
  • Logo MS Data Alliance
  • Logo MS International Federation
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS
  • Logo European MS Platform
  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo CONy

Rims Sponsors