The call for two new RIMS Executive Board Members is officially open! Find out more about the Executive Board, the criteria and how to apply!
What is the Executive Board about
According to the by-laws, the Organisation is managed by an Executive Board of eight members.
The Executive Board is nominated by the General Assembly for a period of three years and may be re-nominated and re-elected for a maximum period of an additional three-year term.
Members of the Executive Board have no personal financial responsibilities relating to the objectives and commitments of the Organisation. We ask for an active contribution from the board members in executing their roles within the board. The Executive Board meets every month (digitally) of which two times face to face (once in the margin of the Annual Conference).
The Executive Board elects a president, secretary and treasurer from among its eight members and determines the roles and responsibilities of Executive Board members.
Visit the RIMS Website to discover more about the Executive Board and do not hesitate to contact RIMS Secretariat for more practical information and Professor Giampaolo Brichetto for questions related to the Executive Board's roles.
How to apply
RIMS strives for an equal distribution of profiles, professions, academic /v/ non-academic, nationalities and gender. Only applications from RIMS members will be taken into account.