It is a privilege for Roche to support RIMS

in their mission to raise the profile of

rehabilitation and thereby transform the lives of people living with MS.




Roche is investigating more than a dozen medicines for neurological disorders, including spinal muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and autism spectrum disorder. Together with our partners, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding to solve some of the most difficult challenges in neuroscience today.

Beyond our medicines, Roche is the leading provider of in vitro diagnostics, which are diagnostic tests conducted using samples such as blood or tissue from the human body. Diagnostics inform 70% of clinical decisions, including the prevention, identification and treatment of disease, and two-thirds of our R&D is focused on combining targeted therapies with companion diagnostics for better patient care.

Roche’s operating model of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics under one roof has enabled us to seek better ways to diagnose and treat some of the most challenging diseases of our time. We have already begun to uncover and pursue ways to bring promising new methods of diagnosis, progression monitoring and treatment access to the people and families living with nervous system disorders.

Neuroscience is a cornerstone of our future. We will continue to push the boundaries of scientific understanding, together with our partners, to achieve clinical advancements and solve some of the greatest challenges in neuroscience today. Our hope is to create a tomorrow where nervous system disorders no longer limit human potential – to preserve what makes us who we are.  


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